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YouthCubed Nominates 2 Global Youth ​Representative for the Summit of the Future

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Mr. Fale Andrew Lesa JP and Ms. Alexa Dominique Pascual, the DMUN Foundation & ​YouthCubed’s Global Youth Representative to the Summit of the Future.

August 7 2024

Two Youth Changemakers Selected to Attend the UN’s High-Level Summit for the Next ​Generation

YouthCubed, a member organization of the DMUN Foundation, is proud to announce the ​nomination of Fale Andrew Lesa JP and Alexa Dominique Pascual as Global Youth ​Representatives for the upcoming Summit of the Future. These individuals were selected for their ​exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to addressing critical global challenges, ​making them ideal candidates to represent the voices of youth at this pivotal international ​gathering.

Fale Andrew Lesa JP

Fale Andrew Lesa, hailing from Samoa, is a highly respected indigenous leader and policy ​consultant. He has a distinguished track record of advocating for climate justice, particularly for ​small island developing states (SIDS), which are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of ​climate change. Fale’s work spans various high-profile roles, including serving on the Auckland ​Conservation Board and as a commissioner on the Child & Youth Mortality Review Committee in ​New Zealand. His expertise in public policy and his deep commitment to integrating traditional ​knowledge into modern climate solutions have positioned him as a key figure in the global climate ​movement. As a Global Youth Representative, Fale aims to elevate the concerns of SIDS and ​indigenous communities, ensuring that their unique challenges and perspectives are central to the ​discussions at the Summit of the Future​.

Alexa Dominique Pascual

Alexa Dominique Pascual, from the United States, is a dynamic youth leader with a strong focus ​on women’s rights and climate activism. She has represented various organizations, including the ​Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) and UNA-USA, at international forums such as the ​United Nations General Assembly. Alexa is deeply involved in advocacy for gender equity and has ​been a vocal proponent of increasing youth participation in diplomacy and policy-making. Her ​experience in leading discussions on global sustainability and human rights makes her an ​invaluable voice at the Summit of the Future. Alexa's commitment to diversifying the field of ​international relations and ensuring that young women are at the forefront of global decision-​making processes aligns with the core values of YouthCubed​.

YouthCubed’s Vision for the Summit of the Future

The nomination of Fale Andrew Lesa JP and Alexa Dominique Pascual underscores YouthCubed’s ​dedication to fostering youth leadership in global governance. By amplifying the voices of young ​leaders who are deeply connected to their communities and passionate about sustainable ​development, YouthCubed is working to ensure that the outcomes of the Summit of the Future are ​inclusive and equitable. These representatives will bring crucial insights to the table, advocating ​for the rights and futures of marginalized groups and pushing for policies that reflect the ​aspirations of the younger generation.

Jaewon Choi, the founder of YouthCubed and the Executive Director of the DMUN Foundation, ​expressed his confidence in the nominees: "Fale and Alexa embody the spirit of YouthCubed—​bold, innovative, and unyielding in their pursuit of a better world. Their participation in the Summit ​of the Future is a testament to the power of youth to drive meaningful change on the global ​stage."

As the world prepares for the Summit of the Future, YouthCubed remains committed to ​supporting these young leaders in their mission to create a more just and sustainable world.

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