An Official Website of the DMUN Foundation

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Youths United for Change.

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We are a vibrant community of ​youths united by cause.

The DMUN Foundation is a youth-led, ​non-profit, civil society, umbrella ​organisation. Through our three member ​organisations, our organisation’s ​purpose is to provide opportunities for ​youths to learn about international ​relations, diplomacy, legislative bodies, ​social entrepreneurship, sustainability, ​and greater youth participation in the ​UN System.

Our member organizations ​are unique, impact-oriented, ​and youth-led.

The DMUN Foundation is a umbrella organization. ​This means that there are several member ​organizations under the DMUN Foundation.

These member organisations share a Board of ​Trustees with the DMUN Foundation, which they can ​nominate members for, and shares resources such ​as financials, marketing, executive staff members, ​and others.

In addition, the DMUN Foundation is also responsible ​for representing our three member organizations in ​high-level events.

Visit our member ​organisation’s websites

Discover Model United Nations


Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Institute

We operate in a democratic ​manner, guided by a strict virtue ​in ethical business.

We want to make sure that everyones voices are ​reflected in how we operate, so we ensure that the ​principle of democratic governance is ensured, and ​anyone can speak up if they desire to.

This is why the DMUN Foundation’s leadership ​system, including the Board of Trustees make ​central decisions such as resolutions, appointing ​of staff, and others through a majority vote. This ​could be department-wide, member-organisation ​wide, or even through a vote from the entire staff ​team or the entire members of the DMUN ​Foundation.

In addition, doing business in the right way, in a ​ethical manner, is our utmost priority.

Specifically, we want to make sure that all of our ​donations come from ethical, legally-compliant, ​moral, and fair income sources. This is why we ask ​all institutional donors to provide information ​about their ethics and compliance information ​prior to accepting the donation. We would rather ​not operate than to operate with money that has ​originated from the suffering and pain of others.

Our programs are accessible to ​all youths. No limits or ​requirements.

Our organisation was originally founded by a ​diverse group of youths. It is only fitting that ​anyone could participate in our opportunities, and ​contribute to the Foundation.

That’s why we have a Non-Discrimination ​Statement in the bottom of all of our websites. ​That’s why we have a special committee and a ​position on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. That’s ​why anyone could participate in our programs and ​volunteer for our organisation.

The requirement to become a member in the ​DMUN Foundation is just one thing: “share the ​Foundation’s values, such as ethical business, ​inclusion, and diversity”.

This is also why the DMUN Foundation has a one-​strike-out, aka. no-tolerance policy towards ​racism, sexism, and any other types of ​discrimination. Anyone is freely able anonymously ​report instances of violation of the Foundation’s ​Code of Conduct, and all reports will lead to a ​mandatory investigation, regardless of how ​serious or not serious the alleged violation would ​be.

We are also active ​communicators, encouraging ​partnerships and collaboration.

We want to make sure that we are staying as ​transparent as we can be, meaning that we are ​able to communicate important information about ​our Foundation, such as impact reports, financial ​status, and major organizational decisions to our ​donors, partners, colleagues, and members ​quickly and effectively.

This is why many documents, such as our annual ​impact reports, financial reports, and other ​documents are available in our website. Some ​might be digitalised, others might not, as they are ​old documents.

But we will make sure that you are able to ask any ​questions you might have about us, and we are ​able to answer your questions adequately.

We also want to deliver important progress and ​achievement we have accomplished as a ​organization through our newsroom to all of our ​constitutents and the general public.

All of this, our programs, ​advocacy, and community is ​powered by generosity.

Now, as you have gotten to explore a little bit ​more about who we are, what we do, and what we ​stand for, we hope that you might be interested in ​contributing to our cause.

There is no limit to how you can contribute and ​create tremendous amount of positive impact ​inside our organization. If your a individual, why ​not volunteer, attend our programs, or even give? ​If your an institution, you could partner with us, ​sponsor us, or donate.

Regardless of how you want to contribute, there ​are limitless ways for us to collaborate with you as ​mutually-beneficial partners.

For Inquiries

+82 10 5696 8302



the DMUn foundation has flexible work hours.

if you receive no reply on phone, please email us. we will reply within 5 business days.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Foundation strictly prohibit any form of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender ​identity, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

For Foreign Donors

Donors who have foreign citizenship or registered in a foreign country (for entities) may be subject to local regulations that may prohibit them from receiving tax exemptions ​from donations to a foreign non-profit entity or being able to contribute at all. Please check local regulations on contributing to a foreign non-profit entity prior to contributing ​to the Foundation.

Important Notice for All Donors

The DMUN Foundation, its affiliates, and its associates do not provide financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, financial and/or tax advisors ​before making any financial decisions, including donations to non-profits.

Declaration on Political Independence and Neutrality

The Foundation does not accept donations or contributions from any governments or entities owned by a government due to its policy on political neutrality. No donor, ​regardless of individual or entity, or amount contributed has the right to influence the Foundation’s decisions or any part of its operations.

Statements included in this website may not reflect the Foundation’s opinions on such matters, but opinions of certain members of the Foundation. An opinion that reflects the ​whole of the Foundation or its associated member organizations will be expectedly indicated and stated.

The Foundation reserves the right to refuse donations, contributions, or partnership offers if the Foundation determines the provided contributions/donations to be from illegal, ​unethical, or immoral sources.

Communications Disclaimer

In all emails of The Foundation, TLS, a standard encryption protocol for emails, is used. These emails can include your personal, confidential or other sensitive information ​(“Private Information”). If you or your entity does not utilise TLS, there is a greater risk of unauthorised disclosure of Private Information, which The Foundation does not hold ​responsibility of.

Notice on Grant Provisions

The DMUN Foundation, and its constituent organisations is registered as a non-profit government to the Republic of Korea.

The DMUN Foundation reserves the right to review a gift request/fundraiser request/volunteer application, and if required, withhold or cancel the gift/fundraiser/volunteer ​application if the individual or entity has: gained the funds/resources for the gift in unlawful, immoral or unethical ways, are not legally allowed to provide a gift to a foreign non-​profit organisation, are prohibited under the Inter-Korea Cooperation Act or other relevant regulations from the Republic of Korea, included in the United Nations Security ​Council Consolidated List, or prohibited from contributing to The Foundation through a resolution from the Board of Trustees.

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All content in the website is available under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR, unless specifically mentioned.