Executive Directorate

The Executive Directorate is the position with the highest authority and precedence in the ​organisation. Formed by the Executive, Vice Executive, and Associate Executive Director, the ​Executive Directorate represents the DMUN Foundation in important public events, guides the ​organisation’s general operations and vision, and are ex-officio Members of the Board of Trustees.

Founder & Executive Director,

Mr. Jaewon Choi

Mr. Jaewon Choi is a dynamic and visionary leader ​committed to amplifying youth voices on the global ​stage. As the founder of the DMUN Foundation, Mr. ​Choi has been at the forefront of championing youth ​involvement in international policy-making, ​advocating for the recognition and empowerment of ​young people as crucial stakeholders in global ​governance.

He founded the DMUN Foundation in 2021, and has ​been the Executive Director since then, with the ​Board of Trustees confirming his 3rd term in 2024.

Deputy Executive Director,

Mr. Atharv Singh

Mr. Atharv Singh serves as the Deputy Executive ​Director of the DMUN Foundation, bringing a wealth ​of expertise and a passionate commitment to ​empowering youth in global governance. With a deep ​understanding of international relations and youth ​advocacy, Mr. Singh plays a crucial role in shaping the ​Foundation's strategic direction, ensuring that the ​voices of young people are heard in the corridors of ​power.

Special Envoy on Organizational ​Reformation (Associate Exec. ​Director Level),

Mr. Jacob Greene

Mr. Jacob Greene is the Special Envoy on ​Organisational Reformation at the DMUN Foundation, ​operating at the Executive Director level. Jacob is a ​strategic thinker and reform advocate, dedicated to ​driving impactful change within organizational ​structures to better serve the evolving needs of youth ​and other marginalized groups in global decision-​making processes.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees are the primary decision-making body of the DMUN Foundation. They are ​responsible for updating the Constitution, which covers the general organs and operational basis ​of the DMUN Foundation, can approve the nomination of certain roles and employees, can create ​ad-hoc committees, can impeach certain roles and employees, and can authorise the annual ​budgeting plan, impact report, financial statements, and other important organisational ​documents. The Board of Trustees is composed of external members from organisations with ​relevance with the DMUN Foundation’s mission, a member representative, a staff representative, ​and ex-officio members from the Executive Directorate.

Mr. Sanchit Dhauchak,

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Sanchit Dhauchak serves as the Chair of the ​Board of Trustees at the DMUN Foundation, where ​his leadership and vision guide the organization’s ​strategic priorities and long-term goals. With a deep ​commitment to empowering the next generation of ​global leaders, Sanchit brings a wealth of experience ​in governance and nonprofit management to his role.


Mr. Avi Contractor

Founder, FULMUN Foundation

Executive Representative of the DMUN ​Foundation to the United Nations ​Headquarters

Mr. Edward Liu

Founder, Toronto Model United Nations

Former Secretaries-General, Toronto ​Model United Nations

Mr. Harshan M. V.

Founder, GDMUN High Commission

Ms. Leanne Yoon

Managing Director, Jets Flyover

Director of External Affairs

Mr. Jaewon Choi

ex officio Member

Executive Director

Mr. Atharv Singh

ex officio Member

Deputy Executive Director

Mr. Jacob Greene

ex officio Member

Special Envoy on Organizational ​Reformation

Secretaries-General, Toronto Model ​United Nations

Mr. Seunghun Lee

Member Representative to the Trustees

Associate, Department of External Affairs

Ms. Chloe Yang

Staff Representative to the Trustees,

High Commissioner on ECOSOC ​Consultative Status

Departmental Directors

Departmental Directorate is made up of Departmental Directors of our Departments. ​Departmental Directors manage all Department Associates, or associates of the respective ​departments of each member organisation of the DMUN Foundation. The Unified Departmental ​Directorate reports to the Board of Trustees and the Executive Directorate.

Mr. Olaoluwa Solomon Owoeye

Director of the Office of the Executive ​Director

Ms. Leanne Yoon

Director of External Affairs

Ms. Hana Ahmadi

Director of Operations A (Discover Model ​United Nations)

Mr. Gurvit Daga

Director of Operations B (Katija ​Hyoungjoo Neuber Institute)

Mr. Archit Sankhe

Director of Operations C (YouthCubed)

Director of Information Technology

Mr. Matyas Gascasdi

Director of Internal Affairs & Compliance

Mr. Husnain Abrar

Director of Foundation Operations ​Director of Finances

Ms. Elizabeth Chua Xin En

Director of Member Affairs

Ms. Lily Yang Liu

Director of Advocacy

Special Envoys, High ​Commissioners, and Other Non-​Traditional High-Level Roles

Special Envoys, High Commissioners, and Other Non-Traditional High-Level Roles include a ​variety of roles that do not fit in any of the other categories. These roles tend to differ in ​precedence depending on the role they play in the DMUN Foundation, but tend to be same in ​authority and precedence as the Unified Departmental Directorate. Special Envoys, High ​Commissioners, and Other Non-Traditional Roles Reports to the Executive Directorate. Some ​roles in this category include the Special Envoy of the Executive Director in Organisational ​Reformation and the High Commissioner for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). These roles do ​not lead departments, as augmented staff force is not required for their duties.

Mr. Jacob Greene

Special Envoy on Organizational ​Reformation (Exec. Dir. - Level)

Mr. Richard Ai

Special Envoy of the Executive Director on ​Operational Strategy

Mr. Conan Tong

Special Envoy of the Executive Director on ​Participant Experience

Ms. Sophie Shu

Special Envoy of the Executive Director on ​External Marketing & Communications ​Reformation,

Special High Commissioner of Diversity, ​Equity, and Inclusion

Ms. Leanne Yoon

Special Envoy on Partnership with ​ENOMAD

Mr. Seunghun Lee

High Commissioner on Operational ESG ​Advocacy (Environmental, Social, ​Governance)

Ms. Chloe Yang

High Commissioner on ECOSOC ​Consultative Status

Mr. Mohammad Khalil

Inspector-General of the Independent ​Commission of Inspection and ​Operational Ethics

Mr. Avi Contractor

Executive Representative of the DMUN ​Foundation to the United Nations ​Headquarters, New York

Ms. Alexa Pascual

Executive Representative of the DMUN ​Foundation to the United States ​Government, Washington D.C.

Doggo the DMUN Dog

Certified DMUN good boi

Unofficial Mascot

Committee Chairs

Committees are formed by a vote from the Board of Trustees, and are made up of non-staff, ​individual members of the Foundation (Committee Chairs are a exception). They perform highly ​specialised roles that are not able to be contained in a Department due to its specialised or ​important nature. Independent Audit Committees are commissioned by the Office of the ​Inspector General, and are not monitored by the Board of Trustees to ensure full operational ​independence.

Mr. Avi Contractor

Chair, Joint Committee on Employment ​and Membership

Mr. Michael Xie

Chair, Joint Committee on Dispute ​Resolution & Ethics

Mr. Bharath Sathiajith

Chair, Committee on Sustainability

Mr. Shreyan Kunal Gothivarekar

Chair, Committee on Diversity

Mr. Soumar Bachawaty

Chair, Joint Committee on Partnerships / ​Development and Finance

External Advisors of the ​Executive Director

External Advisors of the Executive Director are semi-high level positions specially appointed by ​the Executive Directorate to provide direct advice and consultations on a certain topic, and they ​do not weld any substantive authority in the Foundation without the approval of the Executive ​Directorate and the Board of Trustees. The number of External Advisors is the discretion of the ​Executive Director.

Ms. Majeda Al Zaydan

Advisor, Global Health

Graduate Researcher, Harvard University ​T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Ambassador, 29th AFS Youth Assembly

Ms. Lamarzala Gran

Advisor, Peace

President, Empowering Afghan Women

Youth Representative, International Youth ​Conference

Mr. Lester Yu

Advisor, Management

Undergraduate Researcher, Princeton ​University Undergraduate College

Founder, Low Brass Network

Mr. Joey Wu

Advisor, Environmental Sciences

Undergraduate Researcher, Vagelos ​Integrated Program in Energy Research ​(VIPER), University of Pennsylvania

Founder, Wateroots

Duke University Interfaith Leader on Climate ​Change

Ms. Minseung (Minnie) Kim

Advisor, Youth

Student, Phillips Exeter Academy

Founder, Debate Association for Young ​Students

Mr. Mahamat Boulma

Advisor, Population

Assistant to the Special Envoy of the ​President to the Population, Chad

Mr. Ng Arian Man Lok

Advisor, International Relations

Graduate Researcher,

China in a Comparative Perspective, London ​School of Economics and Political Science

Mr. Abdulhamid Tahir Hamid

Advisor, Sustainability

President, African Union Commission ​Great Green Wall Youth Advisory Board

Global Affairs Unit, 17th Conference of ​Youth, UNFCCC

West African Regional Contact Point, ​YOUNGO

Ms. Loretta Ching’ Andu

Advisor, Communications

Assistant Communications Officer, ​National Olympic Committee of Zambia

Speaker, 68th Commission for the Status ​of Women

Mr. Andrew Dupre

Advisor, Faculty Relations

Founding Debate and Speech Coach,

BASIS International School Chengdu

Mr. Wandi Blaise Kumfa

Advisor, Refugees

Enumerator, International Organization ​for Migration

Data Collector, Danish Refugee Council

Mr. Mugabe Momanyi Dancan

Advisor, Information Technology

Networking Operator, Kisii Country ​Government

Software Manager, Independent ​Electoral and Boundaries Commission

Mr. Atiaboli Mabili Ghislain

Advisor, Children’s Rights

Web Monitor, UNICEF DRC

Ambassador of Children and Youth ​Rights, Democratic Republic of Congo

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Foundation strictly prohibit any form of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender ​identity, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

For Foreign Donors

Donors who have foreign citizenship or registered in a foreign country (for entities) may be subject to local regulations that may prohibit them from receiving tax exemptions ​from donations to a foreign non-profit entity or being able to contribute at all. Please check local regulations on contributing to a foreign non-profit entity prior to contributing ​to the Foundation.

Important Notice for All Donors

The DMUN Foundation, its affiliates, and its associates do not provide financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, financial and/or tax advisors ​before making any financial decisions, including donations to non-profits.

Declaration on Political Independence and Neutrality

The Foundation does not accept donations or contributions from any governments or entities owned by a government due to its policy on political neutrality. No donor, ​regardless of individual or entity, or amount contributed has the right to influence the Foundation’s decisions or any part of its operations.

Statements included in this website may not reflect the Foundation’s opinions on such matters, but opinions of certain members of the Foundation. An opinion that reflects the ​whole of the Foundation or its associated member organizations will be expectedly indicated and stated.

The Foundation reserves the right to refuse donations, contributions, or partnership offers if the Foundation determines the provided contributions/donations to be from illegal, ​unethical, or immoral sources.

Communications Disclaimer

In all emails of The Foundation, TLS, a standard encryption protocol for emails, is used. These emails can include your personal, confidential or other sensitive information ​(“Private Information”). If you or your entity does not utilise TLS, there is a greater risk of unauthorised disclosure of Private Information, which The Foundation does not hold ​responsibility of.

Notice on Grant Provisions

The DMUN Foundation, and its constituent organisations is registered as a non-profit government to the Republic of Korea.

The DMUN Foundation reserves the right to review a gift request/fundraiser request/volunteer application, and if required, withhold or cancel the gift/fundraiser/volunteer ​application if the individual or entity has: gained the funds/resources for the gift in unlawful, immoral or unethical ways, are not legally allowed to provide a gift to a foreign non-​profit organisation, are prohibited under the Inter-Korea Cooperation Act or other relevant regulations from the Republic of Korea, included in the United Nations Security ​Council Consolidated List, or prohibited from contributing to The Foundation through a resolution from the Board of Trustees.

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All content in the website is available under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR, unless specifically mentioned.