An Official Website of the DMUN Foundation

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DMUN for ECOSOC Consultative ​Status.

our ecosoc consultative ​status candidacy

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We are campaigning to be the ​first minor-led organization that ​has ECOSOC Consultative Status.

The DMUN Foundation is campaigning for ECOSOC ​Consultative Status to enhance our ability to engage ​with the United Nations and contribute to global ​discussions on youth empowerment, education, and ​sustainable development. This status will allow us to ​better advocate for inclusive and equitable educational ​opportunities, ensuring that every young person has a ​voice on the international stage.

Starting from humble beginnings with Model UN, we ​have grown into a global network dedicated to ​empowering youth. Achieving ECOSOC Consultative ​Status will be a significant milestone, allowing us to ​leverage our experience and insights to influence policy ​and drive change at the highest levels.

The UN Charter is at our heart.

Our ethics, independence, and ​inclusiveness is our pride.

The principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter are the foundation of our mission and ​actions. We are guided by its vision of promoting peace, sustainability and equitable development ​for all.

Ethics, inclusiveness, and independence are our top priorities. We strive to uphold the highest ​ethical standards in all our operations, ensuring that our actions are transparent, accountable, and ​fair. Inclusiveness is central to our mission, as we believe that diversity enriches our community and ​strengthens our impact. We are committed to maintaining our independence, allowing us to ​advocate freely and effectively for the issues that matter most to us and our stakeholders.

By embedding these values into everything we do, we aim to create a positive and lasting impact on ​the global stage.

As we seek ECOSOC Consultative Status, we reaffirm our dedication to these core principles, ​ensuring that our work aligns with the ideals of the United Nations and contributes to a more just ​and equitable world.

We are ​independent.

We receive 0 funding from governments of ​any Member/Observer State or ​intergovernmental organizations.

We have 0 government officials or donors in ​our staff or advisory position.

Our Members come from a global ​community.

Our programs are accessible to all youths, ​for no cost.

We do not have any mandatory Member ​Dues for any member.

We are inclusive.

We are ​compliant.

We operate with full compliance to local ​regulations, national regulations, and ​international conventions.

All applications for foreign donors/volunteers ​are reviewed to ensure that they are able to ​contribute to a foreign non-profit ​organization.

We​ are ethical.

Our financial statements and annual reports ​are reviewed by a independent member-led ​committee.

We have a independent, Member-elected ​Inspector-General who conducts oversight for ​our work.

All organizational donors must demonstrate ​fair and ethical business.

Our role in ECOSOC would be to ​represent youth voices.

As recognized in UN Resolution A/77/L.105, Model United Nations plays a crucial role in building the ​capacities of young people in international affairs. Empowered by this recognition, the DMUN ​Foundation aims to be a vital liaison between youths and the United Nations, particularly ECOSOC.

Through our mission and programs, we educate youths about diplomacy and the UN, building their ​capacity to engage effectively. By including diverse youth perspectives, we contribute to ECOSOC's ​mission of promoting collective action for a sustainable world.

Our successful track record with UN conferences positions us to expand our Global Youth ​Representatives Program, ensuring broader representation. We also aim to contribute to the High-​level Political Forum on sustainable development, particularly SDG 4, and provide valuable insights ​at the annual ECOSOC Youth Forum.

We also hope to contribute to the annual Commission on Development, and the Financing for ​Development to encourage the UN to play a more active role in supporting youth organizations, ​capacity-building, and education.

Our legacy with the United ​Nations is firm.

Our legacy with the United Nations is firm.

As a dedicated supporter of the UN's principles and objectives, we actively participate in initiatives ​that align with our mission to empower youth and promote global citizenship.

Our programs are designed to educate and engage young people in UN-related activities, fostering ​a deep understanding of international relations, diplomacy, and governance. We collaborate with ​various UN bodies and other international organizations to further our shared goals of peace, ​security, and sustainable development.

List of Major Groups and Other ​Stakeholders (MGOS) the DMUN ​Foundation is a member of

  1. Major Group of Children and Youths (MGCY)
  2. Sendai Stakeholder Mechanism
  3. Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism (FfD)
  4. Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for the UNECE Region (ECE-RCEM)
  5. Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for the UNESCAP Region (APRCEM)

Special Accreditation the DMUN ​Foundation has received

  1. Observer status for the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft a Terms of Reference for the United Nations ​Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation
  2. Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development
  3. High-Level Meeting on AMR Convened Under the President of the General Assembly
  4. Summit of the Future

UN System conferences attended ​by the DMUN Foundation

  1. 28th Conference of Parties, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  2. 2024 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, United Nations Economic Commission for ​Europe
  3. 2024 Forum on Education for Sustainable Development, United Nations Economic Commission ​for Europe
  4. 2024 High-Level Political Forum, Economic and Social Council
  5. 69th United Nations Civil Society Conference, Department of Global Communications
  6. Post-Conference Civil Society Town Hall, Department of Global Communications
  7. Virtual Consultation with the Co-Chairs for the Summit of the Future
  8. Ad-Hoc Committee to Draft a Terms of Reference for the United Nations Framework ​Convention on International Tax Cooperation
  9. Spring Meeting 2024, World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund
  10. Annual Meeting 2024, , World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund
  11. Summit of the Future

For Inquiries

+82 10 5696 8302



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Non-Discrimination Policy

The Foundation strictly prohibit any form of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender ​identity, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

For Foreign Donors

Donors who have foreign citizenship or registered in a foreign country (for entities) may be subject to local regulations that may prohibit them from receiving tax exemptions ​from donations to a foreign non-profit entity or being able to contribute at all. Please check local regulations on contributing to a foreign non-profit entity prior to contributing ​to the Foundation.

Important Notice for All Donors

The DMUN Foundation, its affiliates, and its associates do not provide financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, financial and/or tax advisors ​before making any financial decisions, including donations to non-profits.

Declaration on Political Independence and Neutrality

The Foundation does not accept donations or contributions from any governments or entities owned by a government due to its policy on political neutrality. No donor, ​regardless of individual or entity, or amount contributed has the right to influence the Foundation’s decisions or any part of its operations.

Statements included in this website may not reflect the Foundation’s opinions on such matters, but opinions of certain members of the Foundation. An opinion that reflects the ​whole of the Foundation or its associated member organizations will be expectedly indicated and stated.

The Foundation reserves the right to refuse donations, contributions, or partnership offers if the Foundation determines the provided contributions/donations to be from illegal, ​unethical, or immoral sources.

Communications Disclaimer

In all emails of The Foundation, TLS, a standard encryption protocol for emails, is used. These emails can include your personal, confidential or other sensitive information ​(“Private Information”). If you or your entity does not utilise TLS, there is a greater risk of unauthorised disclosure of Private Information, which The Foundation does not hold ​responsibility of.

Notice on Grant Provisions

The DMUN Foundation, and its constituent organisations is registered as a non-profit government to the Republic of Korea.

The DMUN Foundation reserves the right to review a gift request/fundraiser request/volunteer application, and if required, withhold or cancel the gift/fundraiser/volunteer ​application if the individual or entity has: gained the funds/resources for the gift in unlawful, immoral or unethical ways, are not legally allowed to provide a gift to a foreign non-​profit organisation, are prohibited under the Inter-Korea Cooperation Act or other relevant regulations from the Republic of Korea, included in the United Nations Security ​Council Consolidated List, or prohibited from contributing to The Foundation through a resolution from the Board of Trustees.

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All content in the website is available under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR, unless specifically mentioned.