An Official Website of the DMUN Foundation

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Our diversity ,

Our equity,

Our inclusiveness.

This is what makes DMUN,


At the DMUN Foundation, we pride ourselves on ​fostering a diverse and inclusive environment where ​every individual is valued and respected. Our ​commitment to equity ensures that everyone has access ​to the same opportunities, strengthening our ability to ​create positive change. Inclusiveness is at the heart of ​everything we do, driving our mission to empower youth ​and make quality education accessible to all.

Our dedication to these principles not only enriches our ​community but also enhances our global impact. By ​embracing diversity, we bring together a wide range of ​perspectives and experiences, which fuels innovation ​and fosters a deeper understanding of the complex ​issues we aim to address. Our equitable practices ensure ​that all voices are heard and all contributions are valued, ​creating a collaborative and supportive environment ​where everyone can thrive.

We are committed to ensuring ​that everyone in our workplace ​feels welcomed.

We are committed to ensuring that everyone in our workplace feels welcomed. Creating an ​environment where all employees feel valued, supported, and included is a top priority. We believe ​that a welcoming atmosphere is essential for fostering collaboration, innovation, and personal ​growth.



We ensure our recruitment process is fair and ​unbiased by implementing diverse hiring ​panels and utilizing blind recruitment ​techniques to promote diversity in our ​workforce.

Onboarding &


New employees receive comprehensive ​onboarding that includes training on our ​diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. ​Ongoing DEI workshops and seminars help ​maintain awareness and foster an inclusive ​culture.

Employee ​Resourc​e Groups

We support various employee resource groups ​(ERGs) that provide a sense of community and ​a platform for employees from different ​backgrounds to voice their perspectives and ​support each other.

Open ​Communication

We encourage open dialogue through regular ​town hall meetings, anonymous feedback ​channels, and open-door policies, ensuring ​that all employees can share their thoughts ​and concerns freely.

Our programs and opportunities ​are for everyone.

Our programs and opportunities are for everyone. We are dedicated to providing inclusive and ​accessible educational experiences that cater to a diverse range of individuals. We prioritize ​inclusivity in our programs and opportunities, we strive to create an environment where everyone ​can thrive and achieve their full potential.

Wide Range of ​Programs

We offer a variety of programs tailored to ​different interests, skill levels, and ​backgrounds, ensuring there is something for ​everyone. Whether you're a beginner or an ​advanced learner, we have programs that ​meet your needs.

Inclusive ​Content

Our educational content is designed to be ​culturally sensitive and inclusive, reflecting ​the diverse backgrounds and experiences ​of our participants. We strive to create an ​environment where everyone feels ​represented and valued.

Diverse ​Participant ​Demogr​aphic

We are proud to serve a diverse participant ​demographic that enriches our community and ​enhances the learning experience for all. Our ​participants come from various backgrounds, ​cultures, and experiences, bringing unique ​perspectives to our programs.

Customized ​Suppo​rt

We offer personalized support and resources ​to help participants succeed, regardless of ​their starting point. Our dedicated team is ​always available to provide guidance and ​assistance, ensuring that every participant can ​achieve their goals.

Most importantly, our programs ​are online, and free.

Most importantly, our programs are online and free. This ensures that everyone, regardless of ​location or financial status, can access high-quality educational opportunities. By removing these ​barriers, we make it possible for more people to benefit from our programs and pursue their goals.

For Inquiries

+82 10 5696 8302



the DMUn foundation has flexible work hours.

if you receive no reply on phone, please email us. we will reply within 5 business days.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Foundation strictly prohibit any form of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender ​identity, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

For Foreign Donors

Donors who have foreign citizenship or registered in a foreign country (for entities) may be subject to local regulations that may prohibit them from receiving tax exemptions ​from donations to a foreign non-profit entity or being able to contribute at all. Please check local regulations on contributing to a foreign non-profit entity prior to contributing ​to the Foundation.

Important Notice for All Donors

The DMUN Foundation, its affiliates, and its associates do not provide financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, financial and/or tax advisors ​before making any financial decisions, including donations to non-profits.

Declaration on Political Independence and Neutrality

The Foundation does not accept donations or contributions from any governments or entities owned by a government due to its policy on political neutrality. No donor, ​regardless of individual or entity, or amount contributed has the right to influence the Foundation’s decisions or any part of its operations.

Statements included in this website may not reflect the Foundation’s opinions on such matters, but opinions of certain members of the Foundation. An opinion that reflects the ​whole of the Foundation or its associated member organizations will be expectedly indicated and stated.

The Foundation reserves the right to refuse donations, contributions, or partnership offers if the Foundation determines the provided contributions/donations to be from illegal, ​unethical, or immoral sources.

Communications Disclaimer

In all emails of The Foundation, TLS, a standard encryption protocol for emails, is used. These emails can include your personal, confidential or other sensitive information ​(“Private Information”). If you or your entity does not utilise TLS, there is a greater risk of unauthorised disclosure of Private Information, which The Foundation does not hold ​responsibility of.

Notice on Grant Provisions

The DMUN Foundation, and its constituent organisations is registered as a non-profit government to the Republic of Korea.

The DMUN Foundation reserves the right to review a gift request/fundraiser request/volunteer application, and if required, withhold or cancel the gift/fundraiser/volunteer ​application if the individual or entity has: gained the funds/resources for the gift in unlawful, immoral or unethical ways, are not legally allowed to provide a gift to a foreign non-​profit organisation, are prohibited under the Inter-Korea Cooperation Act or other relevant regulations from the Republic of Korea, included in the United Nations Security ​Council Consolidated List, or prohibited from contributing to The Foundation through a resolution from the Board of Trustees.

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